Sunday, March 26, 2023

What are the main beliefs underlying gematria?

gematria is a form of numerology that assigns numerical values to words and phrases in order to interpret the inner meaning of those words and phrases. It is believed by some to have originated in ancient Babylon or Egypt, and has been used as a tool of divination by occultists throughout much of history. Gematria has been an important facet of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) since at least the Middle Ages, but is closely related to other occulted studies such as tarot, astrology, and alchemy.

At the most basic level, gematria assigns numerical values (1-9) to Hebrew letters based on their position in the alphabet. By totaling the numerical values of letters within words and phrases, gematria practitioners believe they can gain insight into their inner meanings. This method of letter-number correspondence has sometimes been used in Jewish religious texts to emphasize certain phrases or stories that contain hidden meaning or importance.

In Kabbalah, gematria is seen as having deeply spiritual significance; practitioners believe that by unlocking the hidden meanings within words they can achieve greater understanding or enlightenment. The use of gematria is closely linked with Kabbalistic theories concerning the structure of God's divine language; each letter being an expression or embodiment of creative energies, which when read together properly reveal His ultimate will and purpose.

Gematria also involves looking for deeper meaning in other forms beyond words - such as numbers themselves - by examining various possible combinations for numerical relationships and interpretations. For example, some interpretations state that the value 9 represents completion or perfection, 10 symbolizes both divine perfection and human frailty, while doubles (such as 12) signify a connection between two ideas or concepts.

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